BeBop Around The World

Even though the trip has been called off, I'm leaving this site up to read for anybody interesting in refitting a boat or sailing in general.

Monday, November 07, 2005

First I needed money...

Being of little net worth and working mostly paycheck to paycheck buying a awesome 20 foot Falmouth Cutter was out of the question. I'd be lucky to come up with 5 grand. But just to show you if you want something bad enough you can make it happen. So a simple plan was created. I started selling anything I owned that was worth anything. You just gotta love eBay. Oh can't forget trashing my credit rating by defaulting on my bills.

The first thing that had to go was my bike, a rare 1993 Suzuki Bandit 400. Probably for the better anyway since bikes haven't always been great to me. 3 wrecks with titanium pins in boths wrists to prove it. This provided about half the money I need to buy BeBop. Along with the bike I sold my nice Fieldsheer riding jacket, Nolan helmet and Alpinestar gloves. I felt liberated in a way knowing a bike wasn't going to be the death of me.

Next I sold off what was left of my musical equipment. My 2 amplifiers and 3 bass guitars. This was pretty painful to part with. I recorded a demo with those basses with my old band. Call it sentimental value but it was a painful day to package them up and sell them off. Wasn't really able to play much anymore anyway because of the pins in my wrist. By selling this stuff off it provided me with the rest of the money I needed to buy my boat. The sacrifice was noted in the name I gave my boat too. I suspect I'll pick up something in the woodwinds family down the road and learn to play yet another instrument.

I still have some major items I need to part with over the next few months. What's left of my major consumer items will provide BeBop with new ports, paint and rigging. It all will have to go. Firearms, Blueprints, TV, Desktop Computer. There is no room onboard for it. It's a time consuming process to sell it all off and more than a bit stressful sometimes. I worked my ass off to buy that stuff only to get rid of it. But at the end of it all as Brad Pitt in Fight Club said, "The things you own end up owning you." So true and so easy to forget. Consumerism and Materialism are a evil thing. Who cares what the neighbor's have and you don't. Let them have the bill for it too.

Next post: The search for BeBop


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