BeBop Around The World

Even though the trip has been called off, I'm leaving this site up to read for anybody interesting in refitting a boat or sailing in general.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The search for BeBop....

I had no idea I'd end up with a Westerly Nomad. I'd never even heard of one. I figured I'd end up with a Catalina 27, Bristol 24 or perhaps a Cape Dory 25 that would need alot of work. Ya see, they just don't make a boat under 30 feet capable of going around the world anymore. I looked at a Hinterhoeller 28 that was in my price range but she was literally sinking at the dock....the Flicka 20 is one that can do it but they cost over 20 grand. The Falmouth Cutter is another very nice boat but they sell for about 50 grand.....I was seriously depressed by all this to the point of buying a Hobie 14, a pop up tent, saying fuck it all and shoving off. Then by chance I stumbled upon this link. I didn't think much of her until I started doing the research into this boat. The Nomad beat both the Flicka and the Cutter in price and could perform at about the same level. I had a new number one boat on my realistic wish list....and I even liked the name.

So I started checking the want ad's for the little Nomad and I found one just 300 miles away in Georgia for $4500. To cut the story down a bit, I ended up sending the owner a email that read something like this. "I'm not a man of alot of means but I have a big dream to go sailing and the Nomad is a boat capable of doing it. What is the minimum you'd take for her?" The very next morning I recieved the reply. "I was going to take her off the market but I'd be willing to sell her to the right person for $3500." Perfect! I thought...if she's not sinking at the dock like that Hinterhoeller was. I asked the owner to send me a disposable camera full of pictures and I'd develop them. Quick enough they came and I developed them. The same day they arrived I called him back and said I'd take her. I then promply chewed my nails down to the quick cause I had just a little problem...

I didn't really have a way to get her from the slip in Georgia to the west coast of Florida in the amount of time I had on my vacation. It would take too long to sail her and it was hurricane season. Not a smart move since the last time I sailed anything was a Hobie Cat and it would cost me my job anyway. Enter my best friend, Rich. He understands what I'm trying to do and the dedication that I've shown by selling all my stuff and we reached a agreement for the purchase of a 6x16 dual axle trailer capable of hauling the Nomad. A deal was also struck for a place to put her on the hard until this summer while I work on the refit. wish you had friend(s) this good.

Next time on BeBop around the world: You meet the nicest people in a marina.....


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