BeBop Around The World

Even though the trip has been called off, I'm leaving this site up to read for anybody interesting in refitting a boat or sailing in general.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Learning from Mistakes....

I figured out why my painting job wasn't as good as I hoped. This might sound stupid but it wasn't very obvious to me until I was driving home tonight while thinking about it. Ok, without it is.

I treated painting BeBop like you'd treat painting a house. It seemed like the way one would do it. Heh, it doesn't work that way, I understand this now. You have to treat her like your going to paint a fine automobile. You can't just slap some paint on like it's drywall. It doesn't absorb into the fiberglass like latex does on sheetrock. Instead it just sits on the surface in a *very* thin coat and runs extremely easy on vertical surfaces. After doing some more research into this unusual paint I'm getting a grasp on how to work with it better. How do I describe it? Imagine trying to paint with a very thin plastic that sets up in less than 15mins. Very weird properties. You have to see the finish on this stuff to believe it. Very shiny because it has Teflon in it. It actually squeaks when you rub your fingers over it...dry mind you, not wet. Very slipperly. Yeah I'll be putting down some serious anti skid on the decks too.

Rich thinks we did a ok job on but now he understand how this stuff works too and feels we can really do a nice job for the last coat weather permitting this coming weekend. I feel the same. Actually I feel better now that I learned from my mistakes. Not great because I don't like making error's being the perfectionist and all but certainly better than yesterday now that I understand what's happening.

That's about it for tonight. I'm tired after a long day at work and just thought I'd share my discovery with my 2.5 readers. Until next time...fair winds.


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